The Perfect Gift: Your Loved One's Name in an NYPL Book

We are offering the perfect gift for book lovers: When you make a donation of $50 $35 or more, we'll print your loved one's name and a personalized message inside a book circulating in The New York Public Library!

Here's how it works:

  1. Choose the friend or family member you'd like to honor, along with an optional custom message.
  2. Make a tax-deductible gift of at least $50 $35.
  3. After you make your gift, you can schedule an e-card or download a card to present to your gift recipient.

winnie the pooh bookplate

Please note that we are unable to accommodate requests for specific titles and there is no tracking of which books the bookplates are placed in.

The Perfect Gift: Your Loved One's Name in an NYPL Book

We are offering the perfect gift for book lovers: When you make a donation of $50 $35 or more, we'll print your loved one's name and a personalized message inside a book circulating in The New York Public Library!

Please note that we are unable to accommodate requests for specific titles & there is no tracking of which books the bookplates are placed in.

Field Is Required Select Gift Amount

All Library Associate benefits, plus:

  • Inside The New York Public Library, your guide to what's happening at NYPL
  • Discount on select tickets to LIVE from NYPL
  • 10% discount at the Schomburg Shop, in-store and online
  • Special access to The Polonsky Exhibition of The New York Public Library’s Treasures

All Friend benefits, plus:

  • Two tickets to the Library's annual Holiday Open House—the most festive event of the year
  • Invitation for two to the annual Book Swap, where members exchange favorite books and get reading recommendations from NYPL librarians

All Contributing Friend benefits, plus:

  • Two additional Holiday Open House tickets, for a total of four tickets
  • Invitation for two to the annual Friends Lecture Luncheon, featuring today's most exciting writers and thinkers

All Patron benefits, plus:

  • Invitation to a Conservators Forum, featuring noted writers and speakers

Customize Your Bookplate Dedication

140 character max. All submissions must follow NYPL Terms and Conditions or else this section will be left blank.

Billing Information

Total Gift: $0.00

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