Get Access to Discounted LIVE Tickets:
Enjoy 4 Extra Months of Benefits!

Make a membership contribution of $50 or more today to become a Friend! Your gift supports the Library as we fulfill our mission of educating, informing, and inspiring the diverse communities we serve.

Make your gift today and your membership will be valid through December 31, 2025. That's 4 extra months of benefits, for free!

Make a monthly gift & get a tote | Make a fully tax-deductible gift

Get Access to Discounted LIVE Tickets:
Enjoy 4 Extra Months of Benefits!

Make your gift today and your membership will be valid through December 31, 2025. That's 4 extra months of benefits, for free!

Make a monthly gift & get a tote | Make a fully tax-deductible gift

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  • Personalized donor membership card
  • Year's subscription to Top Picks, the Library's monthly e-newsletter
  • Inside The New York Public Library, your guide to what’s happening at NYPL
  • 10% discount at the Library Shop
  • 10% discount at the Schomburg Shop
  • 10% discount at the Library’s café at the Stephen A. Schwarzman Building
  • 10% discount for LIVE from the NYPL and access to presale tickets

All Friend benefits, plus:

  • Two tickets to the Library's annual Holiday Open House—the most festive event of the year
  • Invitation for two to the annual Book Swap, where members exchange favorite books and get reading recommendations from NYPL librarians

All Contributing Friend benefits, plus:

  • Two additional Holiday Open House tickets, for a total of four tickets
  • Invitation for two to the annual Friends Lecture Luncheon, featuring today's most exciting writers and thinkers

All Supporting Friend benefits, plus:

  • Invitations to behind-the-scenes tours of the Library's exhibitions
  • Curator-led tour of NYPL treasures

The LIVE ticket discount is a membership benefit starting at $50. Benefits will be matched according to the level of the donation.

Gift type:

Membership Benefits

By choosing to not receive benefits with your membership, your gift is fully tax deductible and you will not receive a member card, invitations to events, e-updates, or be eligible for member discounts.

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Credit Card Information:

Credit Card Type:
  • Discover
  • American Express
  • MasterCard
  • Visa
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Total Gift: $0.00

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